Cedomir Kostovic

Cedomir Kostovic is a graphic and poster designer born in Bosnia. He is now a professor in the Department of Art and Design at Missouri State University. Most of his poster designs focus on social issues from AIDS to the environment.

Here is a link to the rest of his work: http://www.cedoposter.com/index.html


Bēhance is a good portfolio site for artists, animators, photographers and designers to share their creative works to the masses. This social network you to follow and comment on other artist’s work. they also have many job postings available to help you find clients or collaborators. link

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Adobe Portfolio

I really enjoyed experimenting with Adobe Portfolio. The process in which you can create your website is simple and straight forward. It gives you many options for a pre-made layout design and then you can personalize it from there. With mine I was able to create multiple pages to create a nicely organized website so that it is easy for viewers to find what they are looking for. This is also nice for separating important information like the home page, artist statement, and contact information.

https://portfolio.adobe.com/d5f5b8e7-1de7-44a1-a7aa-fbf9b4764b9e/preview/workrunner illustration


A website I’m interested in posting my work on, and have already posted work on, is ArtStation. It is less graphic design and more just, design, but it is what I’m interested in doing. It’s a lot of concept art and 3D modeling for video games and the like. It’s a good portfolio site and considered professional in the video game industry. You might send a potential employer the link to your ArtStation in order to show them your portfolio. There are certain things the site offers that cost a fee, but a basic account for posting images and creating a portfolio is free. Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.44.59 PM.png

Online Portfolio

A great online portfolio site would be Adobe Portfolio. I learned how to use this site last year in Cart 101. It allows the artist to choose a layout first. There are many layouts that the student can choose from. Once it is chosen the student can edit the layout to make it as convenient as possible. The student can make it interactive with multiple pages. Title pages can also be created and content can be applied. This website is free when you have a creative cloud account. If the student does not have a creative cloud account, then he or she would need to purchase one. This site is very easy to use and saves after usage. Below I have an example of a website I created. Here is the title page. You can see on the top of page, I have some options to choose from, including viewing my portfolio, facts about me, and how to contact me. Below that on the portfolio page you can see some of my work that I inserted.  If you or others are interested, this is the site to get started on your portfolio- https://portfolio.adobe.com/Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.36.49 PM.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.42.32 PMScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.41.20 PMScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.41.46 PM

Self Promotion: Florist’s Bouquet Card


A business card in the shape of a flower bouquet for a florist by https://www.latona-m.com/ Latona Marketing. This is a memorable, genius business card idea that is perfect for self promotion because no one will think of another florist before they think of the one with the cool business card. Things that people can look at for only a few moments and remember for a loooong time after are perfect for advertising, especially as a little thing to make your name, your brand, become that much more memorable.


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Coroflot is a creative site that was launched in 1997. It can be used to post portfolio pieces, share works with others, and browse job listings in the creative field. This social-networking and sharing of works and portfolios can help artists obtain jobs, find career opportunities, look to other art pieces for inspiration, and obtain constructive criticism. Coroflot also has a feature that enables you to look at a chart that includes statistics such as your works’ views, how much your work has been searched, and the number of followers you have. There is no fee to join, so it is free to make a portfolio and post your work (unlike other sites that might make you pay or only give you a set amount of free uploads). All you have to do is create an account and then start posting!



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SmugMug is one website that is available for creative people to share their work with others. This site is specifically geared toward photographers, to be able to share their photos safely and keep the “global language of storytelling.” The picture I included above is an example of an online photo portfolio created by Benjamin Von Wong, a customer of SmugMug. He states that SmugMug has “become an essential tool, like Lightroom or Photoshop” in his workflow. SmugMug offers a variety of plans to use their website. If you’re interested in using the site they offer a 14 day free trial, then once your free trial is over you can upgrade to a Basic, Power, Portfolio, or Pro plan. These plans range from $3.99 a month to $29.99 a month, but they also give their customers an option to save money by paying for the subscription annually. SmugMug seems like a great place to share content with other creative individuals, if you’re interested check out the link below!


Online Portfolio: Dribbble

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Dribble is a great resource for posting and marketing your portfolio while also looking into other artists work. Exposer is very important as a designer and there are many advantages to having your portfolio online. Some of the advantages of Dribbble compared to other portfolio websites is its free to create an account, showcase photos of different design works, processes and current projects, and to search and follow other designers for communicating design ideas. You can join various design communities as well as create your own blog on the website. It’s a very useful and resourceful tool to getting exposer, meeting other artists, and acquiring inspiration.
