Author Archives: cpeck111197

Adobe Portfolio

I really enjoyed experimenting with Adobe Portfolio. The process in which you can create your website is simple and straight forward. It gives you many options for a pre-made layout design and then you can personalize it from there. With mine I was able to create multiple pages to create a nicely organized website so that it is easy for viewers to find what they are looking for. This is also nice for separating important information like the home page, artist statement, and contact information. illustration

Information Design


This Image is on the inside of a notebook that I bought last semester. Not only do I love it because of it’s visually attractive and organic design, but I also love the little facts it gives. The design informs the consumer a little bit about the way the company produces the notebooks and it gives fun facts about the size of The Great Sphinx of Giza. I actually had to fact check this part because the other designs (the ruler and the islands) are playfully inaccurate or have no real information behind them.

The Snooty Peacock


This particular logo was created for a jewelry boutique the produces one-of-a-kind products. The designer wanted to create a logo that not only conveyed the idiosyncrasy of the jewelry but also the quirky women that created them. What makes this logo so beautifully ambiguous is the designers ability to make a logo that portrays both a women and a peacock.

Designer: Ryan Russell

Seen In the Real World

This is a can of fixative that I have seen many times. I like how the intent of their design is to make it relatable to artists by having the cup with art tools in it. I also like the choice in colors and fonts because it displays a nice a clean and finished feel, which works nicely because it is a fixative spray that is used once a project is completed. My only critique is that the photo can be misleading because there are paintbrushes depicted on the can itself when the fixative itself is not supposed to be used for paint; only pencil, charcoal, chalk and pastels.

Alvin Lustig

Originally starting his career creating book jacket designs, Alvin Lustig (1915-1955) has not only made numerous contributions to graphic art throughout his history but has also left an everlasting impact on the world of interior and architectural design. As a virtuoso architectural designer, his original designs for the “Lustig Chair” still lives on to inspire modern interiors. Lustig designed for Fortune, Girl Scouts of the United States, and New Directions Publishing, in addition working as the Director of Visual Research for Look Magazine. Lustig utilized his abstract designs to introduce an innovative technique for typeface design, making it a new distinctive characteristic of New Directions publications. His artwork is featured on covers of many classic works of literature, including on the first edition covers of A Streetcar Named Desire, Orpheus Descending, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

2001-29- Matt Flynn 039

Shepard Fairey: Damaged

Damaged Wrong Path Mural is just one of the many works of art in Shepard Fairey’s show, titled DAMAGED. The purpose if the whole exhibit is to bring attention to the issues that society is facing today. Fairey is a firm believer that the first step to solving a problem is to identify it. Art is a great vessel in helping people recognize these issues: “I definitely think that art can be part of the solution because it can inspire people to look at an issue they might otherwise ignore or reject.”

Originally, Fairey’s art was mainly for aesthetic pleasure and less for conveying a message. He now utilizes that same art style but is instead using it to capture diverse Americans that have falling victim to the injustice of current polices and social issues. Employing his artwork, as a platform for his political and humanitarian views creates not only a conversation, but sparks the first step in moving towards justice for all.
