Author Archives: bermcj08

Paint the City by Reno Carrillo


This logo was created by Reno Carrillo and is a terrific example of utilizing negative space. The red coloring shapes out a city skyline while also representing paint dripping down a paint can. The type manipulation having a slight bend to appear wrapping around the negative space also helps create this illusion. The white space between these elements makes us complete the image as an opened paint can.

Here is a link to Carrillo’s portfolio :

Paul Rand


His early career was spent working for Apparel Arts and Esquire magazines and then joining the Weintraub agency. He was so successful that after a few years he demanded twice the pay for half the time, and got it. His relentless passion for corporate identity helped shape the American business landscape in the 1960s. The height of corporate identity design owed much to the unwavering pursuit of Paul Rand to make advertising more than just billboards. He worked in the field until the day that he died, at the age of 82.

Grapus – Peace


Founded in 1970 by Pierre Bernard, Gerard Paris-Clavel and Francois Miehe, Grapus was a collective of young designers who came together after the May 1968 student uprising to make high quality graphic commentaries to promote their left-leaning ideologies and the French Communist Party. This poster humorously depicts a sick planet regurgitating arms for the sake of peace.