Online Portfolio

A great online portfolio site would be Adobe Portfolio. I learned how to use this site last year in Cart 101. It allows the artist to choose a layout first. There are many layouts that the student can choose from. Once it is chosen the student can edit the layout to make it as convenient as possible. The student can make it interactive with multiple pages. Title pages can also be created and content can be applied. This website is free when you have a creative cloud account. If the student does not have a creative cloud account, then he or she would need to purchase one. This site is very easy to use and saves after usage. Below I have an example of a website I created. Here is the title page. You can see on the top of page, I have some options to choose from, including viewing my portfolio, facts about me, and how to contact me. Below that on the portfolio page you can see some of my work that I inserted.  If you or others are interested, this is the site to get started on your portfolio- Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.36.49 PM.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.42.32 PMScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.41.20 PMScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.41.46 PM

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