
Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.07.15 PMScreen Shot 2018-11-19 at 11.13.21 PM

Coroflot is a creative site that was launched in 1997. It can be used to post portfolio pieces, share works with others, and browse job listings in the creative field. This social-networking and sharing of works and portfolios can help artists obtain jobs, find career opportunities, look to other art pieces for inspiration, and obtain constructive criticism. Coroflot also has a feature that enables you to look at a chart that includes statistics such as your works’ views, how much your work has been searched, and the number of followers you have. There is no fee to join, so it is free to make a portfolio and post your work (unlike other sites that might make you pay or only give you a set amount of free uploads). All you have to do is create an account and then start posting!

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