Online Portfolio

weebly is a site where you can create an online portfolio or website for personal or business uses. The setup is very easy and it has step by step guidance on how to use all its features. They provide a variety of  themes you can choose from and you can also customize different elements as well. I like this site because it allows for a good amount of freedom with creativity and you don’t need background knowledge to be able to use this. The basic plan is free to use however if you want additional features there are other plans that cost from $8-$25. In the picture above you can see a few themes you can select from.

1 thought on “Online Portfolio

  1. sydneypalma

    I think Weebly is a create website, allowing upcoming artists to display their work for free or even at a cheap price if need be. Weebly is just the right creative platform for artists. It seems simple and easy to navigate, you can create a website for your portfolio in just a few quick steps. I know a lot of people that have used Weebly in the past and have very few complaints about it. Weebly is up and coming everyday with its 50 million customers worldwide. I think this would be great or a graphic design major to use to display their work.



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