At Home by Joanna Gaines

I found the At Home blog by Joanna Gaines to be very well done. The blog layout itself conveys the simplistic clean and rustic style that her products also convey. The blog is very easy to navigate and provides different tabs and links to articles and more information such as DIY, products, and Joanna’s lifestyle. There are also links to Joanna’s latest fixer upper episodes ,what is currently going on in her business, Magnolia, and the release of her new book Home Body. To see the At Home blog, click here.

3 thoughts on “At Home by Joanna Gaines

  1. sydneypalma

    I myself am a fan of Joanna Gaines work. I have seen many of her episodes of Fixer Upper on HGTV. I took at look at her blog and noticed how perfectly displayed her work on her blog is. I noticed how often she posts and it seems as if she really keeps up with her blog with her most recent posts involving the upcoming holidays. Her blog being called At Home, I think is a great name because it has a great homey vibe to it. I also thought a great thing about her blog that is different from others is that she has a recipes tab, along with her own cook book.


  2. astrasm

    Joanna Gaines is such a great designer and I didn’t know she had a blog! I clicked on the link you provided and I wasn’t shocked to see such a great blog layout with such great visuals. It seems as if there’s a very set-in-stone aesthetic that she is going for and I love it. It’s trendy, modern, and in a way relaxing. She makes her blog seem as if it’s a well, worth it break from your normal screen time that you may spend on your phone or computer. I definitely agree that her blog is a great example of great blog design.


  3. erikaspraker

    I love Joanna Gaines as a designer! Her work is always very sophisticated and family friendly. Her blog matches her interior design style too which makes it super easy to navigate and gives a clean layout.



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