Infographic: Elements of Design


This information design lists the elements of art and gives brief definitions of them to act as a quick reference for artists or for anyone who wants to learn more about what they are. This infographic is successful because it is neat while also being dynamic in the way the words are laid out. They all contrast each other in their own way, whether it be through color or size, and they lead the viewer’s eye around in a counter-clockwise movement that spans the entire graphic. This gives the reader a chance to explore the meanings of each individual term. I think a variation in typeface rather than a reliance on certain graphics could’ve made this a little stronger (for example, having “LINE” be made of different types of lines or having the letters in “SIZE” vary in size), but one of the things that drew me to this specific info design in the first place was its simplicity, so maybe the designers purposely used the same typeface to make it easier to read.

This infographic was created by Paper Leaf, a graphic design team based in Canada that specializes in product and web design.

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