identity systems- Burger King



I think that Burger King’s logo is a great use of identity systems because it’s a nationally recognized logo. If you see the logo, without even reading the text you already know that it’s for Burger King. The logo uses three bold colors which can be easily translated from far away and the text is bold and capitalized. They’ve also incorporated their name into the symbol which looks like a burger. Burger King was one of the first brands to use an advertising practice known as the “product tie-in”. The logo was created in 1967 and has remained almost completely the same due to the fact that it’s such a successful logo design.



1 thought on “identity systems- Burger King

  1. kaityirvin

    I definitely agree that this is a great design. As you mentioned, one of the main things that draws me in is the use of the bold primary colors. I also was unaware of the concept of product tie in that you mentioned but that definitely makes sense here and I am now recognizing that in other designs.



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