

One identity system of a service that I’m sure we all are familiar with is Facebook. The facebook logo is a simple logo with a single white f surrounded with blue color. The f font is a simple modification of the type face Klavika. Type and graphic designer Joe Kral made the final modifications to the logo. I believe the facebook logo is a well done example of a identity system. The logo also symbolizes the connecting of friends. Facebook is a well-known social media medium and i believe that all identity systems/logos for social media mediums should be very simple. For example, both twitter and tumblr logos can closely relate to the facebook logo.

Unknown-1 Unknown-2 Facebook, along with the twitter and tumblr logos use white and simple color. These are all good examples of identity systems because they are easy to remember and although they are very very simple, people will remember what they mean. To learn more about the facebook logo and Joe Kral visit here.


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