Chobani brand identity

1-typography-new-logo-myfopinion-chobani-packaging-illustrationA brand that I think has a good identity system is Chobani. Yes, when you think of Chobani you think of just yogurt, but the brands identity system makes it so much more. Chobani’s company was launches in 2007 and just re branded itself last year, in 2017. They came out with Chobani flip yogurt and it was only an uphill from there. They wanted to compete better with their competitors, so they made everything a healthier option and their company gives back and does many charity events. To make this difference in the company they changed their logo and their missionAbove you can see some of their different branches in the company/ some of their different products. The top row is their overall logo and then below that is their different products and then below that it is their different services/ branches they have to offer as a company. Below you can see their new missions. After the vision of the new healthier/giving back expansion in the company the CCO made it happen. In-house the Chief Creative Officer Leland Maschmeyer (and in which a designer from Monterrey, Mexico was involved), made it all happen and now a year later they can say their rebranding and their new identity is very successful. To see their new mission and their impact they want to put on the world click here.

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