Positive and Negative Space


I think that a great logo to talk about in this blog post is the Adobe logo. We all use Adobe softwares everyday in our Graphic Design course, yet we all probably don’t pay attention to the logo. I think the positive and negative space used in this logo is visually pleasing and captures the eye of the viewer right away. The use of the red color is great way to call attention to the logo, while the use of the negative space in the logo makes it not too busy. This logo is designed very well, in my opinion, for this specific company. Do any of you feel that the negative or positive space of the logo is not enough/ too minimalistic? Or do you feel that the colors could be different to make more of an impact on the consumer/ viewer?

Fun Fact: This design was created by Marva Warnock, graphic designer and wife of the incredible man who started this company.


1 thought on “Positive and Negative Space

  1. emilyanelli

    I agree that the color red really makes a difference in this logo and that it makes it stand out and calls attention to it. I do not think that the negative/positive space is too minimalistic. I think that it has just the right amount of positive/negative space because it is simple enough that it gets its point across and is easy to recognize.



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