Tostitos Logo


I find it funny because I eat Tostitos chips very often and never noticed their logo until just recently. As you can see, the company used the middle t, i, and t to represent two people sharing chips and salsa. I find it very interesting and creative how they got the idea to have the two t’s represent people and the i be some sort of table that holds a bowl of salsa. I also think that the red and yellow colors do a great job helping viewers decipher the message they are trying to get across. I also like how the logo has a very happy feel to it. The two “people” in the logo look like they are enjoying their chips and salsa due to the way the company designed and angled the two t’s. Overall, I think this is a very creative and cool logo and I’m surprised I only recently noticed it.

1 thought on “Tostitos Logo

  1. erikaspraker

    Such a classic! I love when logos use letters to play with pictures and create a design concept in itself. The simple design yet creative look all together creates a successful logo that you can tell what the product is as well.



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