Kate Moross

Upon my research of graphic designers, I happened across the work of Kate Moross. Moross is not only a versatile graphic artist but a versatile artist in general. Moross is very successful for her young age of twenty-six. She is from London, UK. While Moross is known for her typographic design, her work ranges from photography to illustration, print, filming, packaging, and branding. She has worked with music artists Sam Smith and OneDirection and designed with brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Ray-Ban. Moross has also designed for clothing store Topshop and illustrated for Vogue Magazine and Cadbury. Moross’ graphic work follows a bright colorful and free-flowing style. One of the reasons I was particularly interested in the work of Kate Moross was due to her versatility but also her connection of art and music. When working with music artists, Moross takes into careful attention creating a visual representation of sound. Overall, Moross can work in any digital medium and create successful works.

To visit the Studio Moross website, click here.

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