The New Logo

The book found in the Milne Library is called The New Logo by Gerry Rosentswieg. The book covers the change in logo design over the last few decades, and how designers have changed their methods of developing a design based on the reactions from consumers. Designs and logos were created for all types of people, those who could read and those who couldn’t. They wanted everyone to be able to tell what is and what isn’t a good product based off its design or lack thereof. And as time has passed from the beginning of logo design how they are made has changed immensely, it used to be very simple, but as competition rose they had to change it up a bit, get more in depth with designs make the people feel some type of way based on the product the logo or design was referencing. Throughout this book, it shows logos created over the decades, and how there a similarities between them as the years go on but they also change through time and what they’re being used for. It’s really interesting to see the designs people have created and how they’ve been revisited by newer designers. The image I attached has a few different logos based on the human body, the one I find the most interesting is the bottom right that says “Joe Atlas” which is a photographers design representing that he can take a photo and shoot anything, anywhere in the world. I like that they incorporated the camera within the body standing on top of the world it’s very appealing and interesting to me.

1 thought on “The New Logo

  1. julietnorelli

    I find your post to be very interesting! It’s cool to look at how long logos have been around for and how they have changed over the years. I also find it very interesting looking at all the different logos and how they differentiate from one another. The topic of logos is such an important topic because we see logos everywhere we go and in order for a company to be successful they would need their logo to be memorable to all viewers. For example, the Nike logo is so simple yet extremely popular. Customers know that a check mark is a Nike logo when they see one. However, some logos are more unique and have more to it, like the Joe Atlas logo. I enjoy this logo because I like how it tells the story that he can take a picture anywhere in the world.



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