The Language of Graphic Design: An Illustrated Handbook for Understanding Fundamental Design Principles by Richard Poulin

One book that I found interesting is The Language of Graphic Design: An Illustrated Handbook for Understanding Fundamental Design Principles by Richard Poulin. For our in class magazine project, my designer I am focusing on is David Carson who is well known for his unique typography style. Chapter 25 in this book caught my eye because it focuses on Typography. Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 8.27.54 PM

In the first example Edward Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?, Albee uses typographic overlays as interpretive representations of the plays themes and explorations of morality  and identity. A viewer questions “Goat” and “Sylvia” and further questions who these 2 characters are. Another thing that I found interesting in this chapter is the typeface classifications that you can read in both my images. Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 8.28.12 PM

I found the typeface classifications to be very interesting because I never knew typography could be classified into different categories. Some classifications include Old Style, Transitional, Modern, Graphic, and so on. I found this part of the chapter to be very important because the reading explains what different typeface classifications there are as well as what they should look like, and also gives some examples. You can read more from this book here.

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