The Elements of Typographic Style

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The book The Elements of Typographic Style version 3.0 by Robert Bringhurst caught my eye due to the fact I love that there is all of these rules to just a type. It’s amazing the logic behind typography and why different types look the way they look and what they look good with and for. This book addresses why fonts look the way they do with the straights or the rounded edges and why choosing the wrong font/type is so important. The picture below shows a chart that is in the book that shows the averages of character line per count. This is one the of the examples that the book informs us on that we need to use every time we design something new. You read the char by reading down, in the left column: lowercase alphabet length in points, reading across, in the top row: line length in picas. This isn’t the only tool in the book they show many tools and strategies to make a design the best design possible.

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