“Illustration That Works” by Greg Houston


This part of the book talks about the power of illustration, and the messages that can be presented through the power of design. It talks about how the image can make the original idea, principal, or message even more powerful than it originally was. Illustrations are like a universal language, and so it can help the message be relayed to the viewer much more effectively than words can sometimes. The use of colors, contrast, and negative space can do a lot in the way of presenting an idea. Here, there is an image of a “Peace Rally”, that is clearly not at all peaceful. The police are beating the press while someone ironically holds up a peace sign. The black and white is easy to see while at the same time providing a stark contrast that reflects the harshness of the original message that peace rallies are usually not that peaceful. In illustration, the idea that a picture can say a thousand words is certainly true.

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