Graphic Design: A New History


I was actually looking forward to going to the library and doing a bit of research on graphic design. I browsed through a few books and I did find many things worth writing about, however I did want to shed some light on a particular subject. I was interested in what I read on the Digital Aesthetic. A very popular trend in the 1990s, artists sought after a visual style that would signify the magnificence of the coming age of technological wonders and achievements. The main goal of the Digital Style is to show how the study of the graphic design development of the Internet may benefit by employing a central concept from art and design theory, the concept of style.

In contrast to the “expressively distorted work” of grunge designers, these digital artists liked to create pieces that would have an aesthetic appeal similar to those found in video games. I think that it is clear that in many of the digital graphics of the 90s, very intense, almost surreal digital graphics were very popular.


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