Chip Kidd’s Book on Graphic Design

Chip Kidd BookChip Kidd Mag

Chip Kidd is the artist I was assigned for the magazine project. Upon doing research on his works for the assignment, I came across his children’s book graphic design. In his book called  Go: A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design, Kidd explains elements of design including form, line, cropping, color, scale, and typography. One page that particularly caught my eye regarded everything that is not nature had to have been designed by someone. These designed physical objects included food containers, sports equipment, shampoo bottles, tv remotes and more highlighted on this page. Reading this page instilled me with the feeling that those disposable objects that are overlooked should now be viewed as their own individual works of art. A milk carton, so casually tossed away is actually a piece specifically created by an artist with aspects drawn from nature in its simplistic yet thoughtful design. Kidd so cleverly details that every element of something manmade is designed down to its font size, text, shape, etc. This page of the book augmented my view of world in the sense that the “little” things in life should not be unrightfully dismissed, but rather gazed upon for their own intrinsic and purposefully beauty.

Purchase his book at:



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