Steff Geissbuhler

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Steff Geissbuhler is a graphic designer from Switzerland who has made a large impact with his artistic works. Geissbuhler is known to be one of “America’s most celebrated designers.” From architectural graphics to advocacy posters, this designer has been able to capture the eyes of many individuals all over the world. In the poster created by Geissbuhler shown above, he is commemorating “40 years since the bomb in Hiroshima, Japan.” The poster clearly shows two strong figures uniting and accepting peace between each other without the use of a lot of text. This graphic artist has many advocacy posters in his portfolio including posters focusing on AIDS, diversity, and “tolerance.” To check out some of Geissbuhler’s work click the link below and find out more about this talented artist who has an amazing way of communicating with the world.

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