Felice Regan and The Graphic Workshop

Felice Regan was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1948. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Massachusetts College or Art. While a student, Regan focused her work on silk screens of animals that were based on animals she viewed at the Franklin Park Zoo near Boston. After receiving her degree, Regan founded the Graphic Workshop which is still an online resource for graphic artists. Regan and other students founded the Graphic Workshop as a place to work for what they believed. At the time, it was used for protest and Regan is known for her advocacy of endangered animals. The protests of the workshop focused on war, racism, and environmental destruction. Regan’s work advocating for endangered animals started out as a paid job which then fell through. However, Regan was passionate about the work and thus continued to make her own collection titled “Endangered Species” which the image of the panda above is drawn from. To visit the Graphic Workshop site, click here. 


1 thought on “Felice Regan and The Graphic Workshop

  1. sammfarbmann

    It’s really cool how much this artist genuinely cared about this issue, so much that she continued focusing on it even when she couldn’t make an earning from it anymore. Her art is beautiful.



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