Cedomir Kostovic

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Since 1992, Cedomir Kostovic has been teaching graphic design and illustration classes in the Department of Art and Design at Missouri State University. In addition to teaching, he has done creative graphic design work in social and cultural contexts like commercials, organizing international poster exhibitions, publishing critical essays and articles, and presenting lectures at various institutions. Cendomir has been extremly involved with the international poster scene since 1980, and has exhibited at most major poster events all over the world. His work has been awarded with over hundred national and international prizes and featured in many books, catalogs and periodicals, which deal with contemporary graphic design. The above poster is called “TRACES OF MAN” which was designed for the 7th Poster Biennial in Mexico on the theme Rights of Nature. It addresses the problem of uncontrolled exploitation of trees all around the world. To see more of his work go to http://www.cedoposter.com/social_posters.html

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