Peter Cohen: Coalition for the Homeless


Peter Cohen is an advertising creative director who designed this poster in the 1990’s as a coalition for the homeless. Homeless people sleeping on the streets of NYC has been a problem for a while now. On the bottom of the poster it says “They could use your prayers. More importantly they could use your help.” Cohen decided to address this issue by creating this poster in hopes to spread awareness that all citizens of New York should be willing to help those in need get back on the right path. Cohen uses photos of well-known figures/people to grab a viewers attention and address the issue of homeless people. This can be seen in some of his other pieces of work. These posters became the start of an entire campaign which raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Coalition. Some more of his work can also be viewed here.


1 thought on “Peter Cohen: Coalition for the Homeless

  1. sammfarbmann

    This graphic designer is really interesting. Obviously he wants to get the point across to people that we should help the homeless if we can. I wonder if his point would come across stronger if he used graphics of real homeless people instead of well-known figures to get people’s attention.



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